Batch Archive QC Documents
The QC Module allows users to manually archive QC Documents that will not be completed or remove records that will no longer be needed to reduce database space. Batch Archive QC Documents will allow users to clean up older data altogether rather than processing one record at a time. The three main functions are:
• Archive QC Documents with no Inventory
• Purge Archived Documents and Results
• Purge Lots with no Inventory or Active QC Documents
Archive QC Documents with no Inventory
This function will move all QC Documents and Prod. Measure Documents with no inventory to the Archived QC Document List based on the report filters. The report filters by default are:
• QC Source Area is “Inventory|Production”
• Status is “Completed|Pass|Fail”
The QC Source Area defines whether it is a QC Document or Production Measure Document. If you would like to archive QC Documents with a blank status the Status filter can be updated to reflect this.
The system will archive documents up to a specific date range. The default date calculation range can be specified on QC Setup on the Batch Archiving Tab:
When archiving documents with Completed, Pass or Fail Status, the system will look at the Approved Date/Time field. This field is a hidden field that is set when the document’s Status is set.
If the Status on the document is blank, then the system will look at the Created Date/Time field on the QC Document to determine if it is in the date range for archiving. In addition, when the document is archived, QC Documents with a blank Status will be marked as obsolete.
Purge Archived Documents and Results
This function will permanently delete all Archived QC Documents and Archived Prod. Measure Documents on the report filters and To Date Range. The report filters by default for QC Source Area equal to Inventory|Production. The QC Source Area defines whether it is a QC Document or Production Measure Document.
The system will delete documents up to a specific date range. The default date calculation range can be specified on QC Setup on the Batch Archiving Tab:
When deleting the documents, the system will look at the Archived Date/Time field to determine if it is in the To Date Range.
Purge Lots with no Inventory or Active QC Documents
This function will permanently delete all Lot No. Information Cards that have a Quantity on Hand of Zero and whose QC Status is not Open.
The system will delete Lot No. Information Cards up to a specific date range. The default date calculation range can be specified on QC Setup on the Batch Archiving Tab:
When deleting the Lot No. Information Cards, the system will look at Lot’s last Item Ledger Entry’s Posting Date to determine if it is in the To Date Range.