QC Prod. Measure Documents
In addition to the QC Documents, the QC Module has a related document called the QC Prod. Measure Document. This document’s purpose is for repeatable testing that would mimic the kind of quality control testing that is happening in real time on the production floor. The QC Prod. Measure Document is associated with an Item and its Routing from a Released Production Order.
To navigate to QC Prod. Measure Documents, click on the magnifying glass and type QC Prod. Measure Documents and click the related link.
This will take you to the QC Prod. Measure Documents list page.
Click into any document or Manage/Edit to show the QC Prod. Measure Document Card.
Each QC Prod. Measure Document has the following information:
General FastTab
No. | Specifies the QC Prod. Measure document number. |
Status | Options from the drop down: |
• In Process | |
• Completed | |
• Pass | |
• Fail | |
• Awaiting Approval | |
Created Date Time | Date/Time stamp of when the document was created. |
Created by User ID | The User ID that created the document. |
Block on Fail Status | This field does not have any functionality behind it. |
Source FastTab
This section indicates to which production order, routing, and item the QC Prod. Measure Document is linked.
Item No. | Source Item number. | |
Production Order Status | Status of the source Production Order. | |
Production Order No. | Source Production Order number. | |
Production Routing No. | The Routing No. from the source Production Order. | |
Production Routing Operation No. | The Operation No. from routing on the source Production Order. | |
Production Routing Ref. No. | The Line No. from routing on the source Production Order. | |
Production Routing Type | The Type from routing line on the source Production Order. | |
Production Routing WC/MC No. | The Work Center or Machine Center Code from routing line on the source Production Order. | |
Document Source | System generated from the source document. Non-editable. | |
Source Type | System generated from the source document. Non-editable. | |
System generated from the source document. Non-editable. | ||
Source Subtype | System generated from the source document. Non-editable. | |
Source ID | System generated from the source document. Non-editable. | |
Source Batch Name | System generated from the source document. Non-editable. | |
Source Prod. Order Line | The Production Order Line No. from the source Production Order. | |
Source Ref. No. | System generated from the source document. | Non-editable. |
Test Lines FastTab
This section displays the values from the test entries. The Test Lines are populated with all the tests selected to be completed on the QC Prod. Measure Document defined by the QC Groups on the Routing of the Production Order. These lines can only be completed/updated through the QC Result Entry page located under Process on the header of the QC Prod. Measure Document.